• Nous Sommes allės à la Découverte de Boston  sous le soleil avec des températures négatives. Nous avons suivi la Freedom Trail  

    Nous avons pris le bateau-pour rejoindre le musée de l'USS Constitution avant de nous rendre à Harvard où nous avons pu le temps d une visite guidée nous prendre pour les heureux étudiants de cette prestigieuse université.


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  • Semaine au lycée

    Une semaine bien remplie. La French team s'est bien approprié les lieux. Plus besoin de pass visiteur maintenant. Les différents exposés ont été accueillis chaleureusement dans de nombreux cours. Les élèves français et leurs professeurs ont été bien sollicités.

    vous pouvez voir la photo de une salle d'histoire géographie

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  • Après une bonne nuit dans un vrai lit, les effets du "jet lag" ont pratiquement disparu. Ce matin bowling offert par le French club de Mount Anthony High School pour la plupart des élèves ou dimanche au ski pour d'autres. Parade pour fêter la  St Patrick l'après midi pour certains.

    Temps froid mais ensoleillé  

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  •  smileBonjour à tous

    nous sommes bien arrivés à Bennington après un voyage en avion sans problème et un voyage en car plus chaotique à cause d'une crevaison de 2 roues d'un même essieu. Il a fallu 5 heures pour résoudre le problème et nous sommes finalement arrivés à 5h du matin heure locale. Nous allons bien tous apprécier quelques heures de repos avant d'aller affronter les -10°. Merci de ne pas avoir un petit sourire en coin.

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  • Thanks to Marie E and Théophile who did some researches on Bennington and Boston.


    Enjoy the presentation happy



    Independence war 


    Bennington battle 


             It was a war between the 13 colonies and the Kingdom of Great Britain. France, Dutch republic and Spain also helped the revolutionaries by  giving them supplies, ammunitions and weapons. It began on April 19th,1775  and finished on September 3rd 1783. Now, September the third is the national day in the USA.


             The Bennington battle took place on August 16th 1777 in Bennington. This battle opposed the British forces led by Friedrich Baum to the revolutionaries led by John Stark. The revolutionaries captured and killed about 900 British soldiers. The British also lost the Indians’ support after that battle which was very important for them.


             Today, in Vermont, August  16th is a legal holiday. The Americans also built the Bennington Battle Monument and the battlefield is a historic site.







    The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was on December 16, 1773. It was a political action by the Sons of the Liberty. The Sons of Liberty were an organization of American patriots that originated in the North American British colonies. The group was formed to protect the rights of the colonists and to take to the streets against the abuses of the British government. This action was against the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts because the Sons of Liberty thought that it violated their rights as Englishmen to “No taxation without representation”, that is, be taxed only by their own elected representatives and not by a British parliament. To protest, the colonies set up a boycott of  the Tea of China. But 3 boats : the Dartmouth, the Eleanor and the Beaver, came in the docks of Boston. The Son of Liberty boarded the ships and threw the chest of tea into Boston Harbor. That ruined the tea.

    This action became an iconic event of American History.


    The Boston Freedom Trail :

    The Boston freedom trail is a path which is 4 kms long. It’s a red (mostly brick) path through downtown Boston. We can follow the trail because it’s painted on the ground when it isn’t in brick. The trail leads to 16 significant historic sites:

    -          Boston Common

    -          Massachusetts State House

    -          Park Street Church

    -          Granary Burying Ground

    -          King's Chapel

    -          King's Chapel Burying Ground

    -          Benjamin Franklin's statue and former site of the first public school, Boston Latin School

    -          Old Corner Bookstore

    -          Old South Meeting House

    -          Old State House

    -          Site of the Boston Massacre

    -          Faneuil Hall

    -          Paul Revere's House

    -          Old North Church

    -          Copp's Hill Burying Ground

    -          Bunker Hill Monument

    -          USS Constitution





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